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Fleet Street and Lanes Neighbourhood

Discover Fleet Street Area, Fleet Street and Lanes Neighbourhood. Have your say today and share your views on the future of your community. Powered by Commonplace, the leading community engagement platform.


Fleet Street Neighbourhood proposals:

The plan below shows the proposals for the neighbourhood we are exploring. These will focus on:

  • Pedestrian priority: giving people walking the priority and improving their safety.

  • Public realm improvements: to make streets and spaces more attractive, comfortable and enjoyable to spend time.

  • Cycling improvements: to improve the comfort and safety for people cycling.

  • Improving Fleet Street: by making it more attractive for people walking and cycling; whilst meeting the needs of local businesses and the high levels of traffic it carries

A sketch view of what Fleet Street could look like if the pavements were widened to enable more space for people walking and public realm improvements.

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See more information about the proposed changes for each topic below by clicking on the plus sign and tell us how you feel about them.

We will explore introducing motor vehicle restrictions on Shoe Lane south of the junction with Little New Street at lunchtimes and weekends to enable on street activities

We will improve the streets and spaces by making them more attractive, comfortable and enjoyable to spend time in. We will explore opportunities to:

  • Introduce more trees, planting, seating and Legible London signs and maps where possible; and improve paving.

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We will improve the comfort and safety of people cycling. We will explore opportunities to:

  • Introduce dedicated space on Holborn Viaduct and Newgate Street for people cycling and maximise the traffic signal priorities for cyclists at the junctions with Holborn Circus and Old Bailey and Giltspur Street and Warwick Lane.
  • Introduce dedicated space, and maximise traffic signal priorities for people cycling on Fleet Street.
  • Introduce additional cycle parking and dockless cycle and e-scooter hire bays.

We will make Fleet Street a more comfortable and attractive street for people walking and make changes that support the local businesses. We will explore opportunities to:

  • Maximise pavement space where possible and introduce new planting and seating.
  • Introduce new on street loading facilities for businesses.
  • Improve where people cross on Fleet Street between Salisbury Court and Shoe Lane

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